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Displaying 1401 - 1420 of 4823
Object Description Object Status Safety Topic / Subject

Fiber-Optic Cardiac Pacing Lead
photonic device
Biophan Technologies, Inc.
Rochester, NY

1.5 Safe More... Fiber-Optic Lead Used for the Photonic Temporary Pacemaker More...

Fiber-optic Intubating
Laryngoscope Blade
Greatbatch Scientific
Clarence, NY

1.5 Safe More... Miscellaneous Implants and Devices More...

Fiber-optic Intubating
Laryngoscope Handle
Greatbatch Scientific
Clarence, NY

1.5 Safe More... Miscellaneous Implants and Devices More...

Fiber-Optic Laryngoscope Blade
Stainless Steel
St. Petersburg, FL

3 Conditional 7 More... Miscellaneous Implants and Devices More...

Fiber-Optic Laryngoscope Handle
Stainless Steel
with Battery from Electrohem
St. Petersburg, FL

3 Conditional 7 More... Miscellaneous Implants and Devices More...

FibuLink Ankle Syndesmosis Fixation Device
Akros Medical,

1.5, 3 Conditional 5 More... External Fixation Devices More...

Figulla Flex II ASD Occluder
All Sizes
Occlutech GmbH,

1.5, 3 Conditional 8 More... Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA), Atrial Septal Defect (ASD), Ventricular Septal Defect (VSD) Occluders, and Patent Foramen Ovale Closure Devices More...

Figure 8 18 Coil
Boston Scientific,

1.5, 3 Conditional 5 More... Coils, Filters, Stents, and Grafts More...

Filiform Double Pigtail
Silicone Stent
Cook Medical,

1.5 Safe More... Coils, Filters, Stents, and Grafts More...

Filshie Clip (Filshie Tubal Ligation System)

3 Conditional 6 More... Hemostatic Clips, Other Clips, Fasteners, and Staples More...

Filshie Clip
Avalon Medical Corporation
Williston, VT

1.5 Safe More... Hemostatic Clips, Other Clips, Fasteners, and Staples More...

FINESSE ULTRA Breast Biopsy System, Biopsy Driver
Bard Biopsy,

1.5 Unsafe 1 More... Biopsy Needles, Markers, and Devices More...

Fire Extinguisher, Model XL 5 MR- Multipurpose Dry Chemical
Portable Fire Extinguisher
Kidde Fire Safety,

7 Conditional 7 More... Miscellaneous Implants and Devices More...

Fire Extinguisher
Dry Chemical Fire Extinguisher, OVAL-10JABC
Oval Brand Fire Products,

1.5, 3 Conditional 7 More... Miscellaneous Implants and Devices More...

Fire Extinguisher
Model 322
5.0 lb. CO2
Amerex Corporation
Trussville, AL - NOTE: Tested prior to new terminology in 2005. The correct current labeling is MR Conditional for this product.

3 Safe More... Miscellaneous Implants and Devices More...

Fire Extinguisher
Model B270NM
1 3/4 gallon Water Mist
Amerex Corporation
Trussville, AL- NOTE: Tested prior to new terminology in 2005. The correct current labeling is MR Conditional for this product.

3 Safe More... Miscellaneous Implants and Devices More...

Fire Extinguisher
Model B272NM
2 1/2 gallon Water Mist
Amerex Corporation
Trussville, AL - NOTE: Tested prior to new terminology in 2005. The correct current labeling is MR Conditional for this product.

3 Safe More... Miscellaneous Implants and Devices More...

Fire Extinquisher, Ansul Cleanguard Fire Extinguisher

3 Conditional 7 More... Miscellaneous Implants and Devices More...

Firebird2 Coronary Artery Stent
MicroPort Medical,

1.5,3 Conditional 8 More... Coils, Filters, Stents, and Grafts More...

9-mm semiautomatic
Star Bonifacio Echeverria
Eibar, Spain

1.5 Unsafe 1 More... Miscellaneous Implants and Devices More...

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  © 2004- by Shellock R & D Services, Inc. and Frank G. Shellock, Ph.D. All rights reserved. (v3.1.109)