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Safety Topic [186]

Safety Info ID# Safety Topic / Subject Article Text
186 Monitoring Patients in the MR Environment

Conventional monitoring equipment and accessories were not designed to operate in the harsh magnetic resonance (MR) environment that utilizes electromagnetic fields that can adversely affect or alter

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Displaying 1 - 2 of 2
Object Description Object Status Safety Topic / Subject

MEDRAD Continuum MR Infusion System
Indianola, PA

1.5 Conditional 5 More... Monitoring Patients in the MR Environment More...

MEDRAD Continuum MR Infusion System
Indianola, PA

3 Conditional 5 More... Monitoring Patients in the MR Environment More...

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  © 2004- by Shellock R & D Services, Inc. and Frank G. Shellock, Ph.D. All rights reserved. (v3.1.109)